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Satisfaction Guaranteed

Satisfaction Guaranteed

A 100% satisfaction guarantee sounds good but what does it mean for me? We specialize in basement finishing. We’ve been doing this since 2001. Over that time we’ve put a lot of though and energy into creating systems and processes that work. These...
6 Week Basement Finish

6 Week Basement Finish

Finish Your Basement in 6 Weeks Once we have the building permit in hand we finish better than 90% of the basements we finish in 6 weeks or less. Some projects that are very large or have specialty finishes like theater rooms or large kitchens can take longer. Our...
Basement Floor Coverings

Basement Floor Coverings

4 Common Floor Coverings and Their Advantages  Carpet Carpet is the most common and generally the most cost-effective basement floor covering. Some of the advantages of carpet are: Low cost: good, durable carpet can cost between $20-26 a yard Colors galore The padding...