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Occasionally we have people ask why we insist on getting building permits. The quick and easy answer is that it’s required. A more thoughtful answer is that it is for your protection. Inspectors look closely at everything we do and make sure that they’re done correctly and according to safety codes. Inspectors are really a home owners best friend.

Here are the top 4 things that inspectors look for and why they’re important for the safety of you and your home:

  1. Electrical & Wiring Safety: Most home fires that result from construction are related to bad wiring. Simple tests and exact adherence to building codes all but eliminate this risk. Another benefit is that new breakers are extremely safe. Electricians have told me with the new breakers you could literally throw a hair dryer into an occupied bathtub and the breaker would trip before the person in the tub was electrocuted. 
  2. Insulation Inspection: Energy costs continue to go up. Cutting corners on insulation is one way to lower building cost for less principled contractors. Inspectors insist that insulation is done according to code.
  3. Faulty Plumbing: Nothing is worse than a leak in your new basement. Inspections greatly reduce the chance that this will occur.
  4. Smoke & Carbon-monoxide detectors: You want your family to be safe. No cutting corners here. There are requirements for how many of each are required in basements. These policies are strictly enforced.

All building policies are in place to protect you and your family. Building permits for basements are a marginal cost. Basement Pro will not do a project that does not have a building permit. Not only is it the law but its smart business and is a way to insure the safety of our clients.

If you’d like to learn more about basement finishing follow this link.

Or call 801-706-0418.