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If your basement is anything like ours, it’s the place the kids bring their friends to hang out. They use it a lot more than the adults do. The only problem is that kids are loud. Whether they’re watching movies or playing x-box it can be a bit annoying for those on the main floor. Especially if you’re trying to have a conversation, with other adults, while the kids are playing. It’s distracting to say the least.

One solution we offer our clients it to add “sound proofing” to the floor joists. This creates a sound barrier between the basement and the main floor. There are a lot of different types of sound proofing, some are more effective than others. The simplest and most cost-effective is to install standard insulationĀ in the cavity of the floor joists. This dampens the sound to a manageable level. An added benefit is improved temperature regulation for the basement. Cost for a typical basement is less than a thousand dollars.

More complex, specialty products, are available. They work better, eliminating more sound, but they’re a lot more expensive. If you like one of these products we can review the options with you so that you can make an informed choice.

We finish every basement in 5 weeks or less. Quality and a fair price are guaranteed. Call us for a free quote on your basement. 801-706-0148